'I'm not good enough'
You've seen the torrent of TV programmes - whether it be dancing, singing, cooking, sewing or woodwork… stressed out contestants endure a...
Past-life proof?
When I was first practicing QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) I was more interested in consciousness exploration, coupled with a...
Overcoming a phobia
Recently I worked with a teenage boy who needed help to overcome what had become a real health challenge, he had always had difficulties...
Staying calm and happy in a turbulent time
What with all the sudden shocks and changes going on in the world and the UK, many people are feeling stressed, anxious, panicked, sad or...
Case Study: A client checks out the facts of a past-life session
Recently a friendly, unconventional middle-aged woman, ‘Sophie,’ came to see me for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. Although she was...